Yesterday, the 2020 LNSS Power Triathlon Championship took place in Purvciems, Riga. Unfortunately, due to various circumstances, only 6 participants – 4 men and 2 women – took part in the competition this year.
Despite the better results for the women in total – 142.5 kg, Aigija Tērauda finished the competition in the second place. The winner with a total result of 135 kg was Karīna Dzilna. In a triathlon, the final result is determined by the IPF coefficient, where not only the result but also the athlete’s weight is important.
For men, 4th place with a total result of 242.5 kg was won by Gints Blumbergs.
Andris Kalniņš took the third place in the award-winning trio with a result of 240 kg, but thanks to the IPF coefficient he overtook Ginta.
Vladislav Kurakin took the second place with a total result of 287.5 kg. Meanwhile, the winner of this year’s power triathlon became Emīls Dzilna for the second year in a row with a convincing total result of 570 kg.
We definitely expect a larger number of participants next year, just as it was at least a year earlier.